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Discover our latest exhibitions and collaborations with artists:
Julien Ceccaldi
Tianzhuo Chen
Natacha Donzé
Ram Han
Youri Johnson
Rachel Maclean
Ad Minoliti
Ánima Correa
Patricia Domínguez
Katja Novitskova
Timur Si-Qin
Jenna Sutela
Et la guêpe entra dans la figue and the wasp entered the fig
J'ai pleuré devant la fin d'un manga
Pamela Rosenkranz, Raja'a Khalid, Nonfood, Sean Raspet
curated by
Alexis Loisel-Montambaux
25.09 - 30.10.2020
co.galerie, Paris
with the participation of CRO
01.08 - 30.08.2020
Kunsthalle Zurich
Tala Madani, Rasmus Myrup,Trey Abdella
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