a radio show / podcast on Radio Poush
by CRO: Félicien Grand d'Esnon & Alexis Loisel-Montambaux
2021 - 2022 / ongoing
SENSATION is a podcast on Radio Poush exploring ultra contemporary art with a multisensorial and interdisciplinary approach. It focuses on our mutating world, the relationships between technology and the living, as well as scientific and philosophical findings.
Each episode is a sensorial portrait of our guests: artists, curators and researchers, who have close interests and sensibilities to our own curatorial fields of research.
The discussion is punctuated by explorations of our senses through:
- the consumption of food and beverages selected by CRO, as to echo the artistic approach of our guests
- the listening of non-verbal sounds selected by our guests
- the narration of anecdotes related to the touch
Date: March 2022
Key words:
biotechnologies, augmented body, mutation, morphogenesis, spirometer, biometric data, data visualization, embryonic landscape, neural, matrix, speculative design, human-machine fusion, galalith, fermented milk, eggs, shaders, CGI, contamination, endocrine disruptors
Humans mentioned:
Cecilia Alemani, Mathilde Alloin, Matthew Barney, Marion Dana, Samuel Fasse, Corentin Hamel, Katja Novitskova, Hans Ulrich Obrist, ORLAN, Léo Orta, Iseult Perrault, Nora Smith, Lucie Stahl, András Szántó, Georges Didi-Huberman, Mayara Yamada
- Sound excerpt from: Salomé Chatriot, "Our symbioses infected her fertile systems", video, 2021, sound by Inès Cherifi and Thérèse Poiraud
- Sound excerpt from: Salomé Chatriot, "Fluides gazeuses", 2021, interactive breathing performance with Mayara Yamada
- Drexciya, "Hydro theory" - Journey of the Deep Sea Dweller I, 1992
Food & beverages:
milk kefir, lait ribot, pickled eggs (with natural wine vinegar)
Sources: articles, books
- Didier Nourrisson, "Du lait et des hommes", 2021
... tbc
Date: February 2022
Key words:
archetypal, generative art, origins, symbiocene, post-anthropocentric, microorganisms, remote living forms, phytoplankton, zooplankton, deep sea, vernacular, rhizomatic, AI, horizontal collaboration, microalgae, chlorella, sperms, losing control, VR, encapsulating, olfactory, inter species relationship, exhibition as an ecosystem
Humans mentioned:
Burton Nitta, Nicolas Bourriaud, Mimosa Echard, Pierre Huyghe, Nonfood (Sean Raspet, Lucy Chinen & Dennis Oliver Schroer), Katja Novitskova, Pamela Rosenkranz, Michel Serres, Jordan Wolfson, Anicka Yi, Michael Woolworth
- Sound excerpt from: Ittah Yoda, Body Alights - A Fragmented Memory, VR artwork, stream live on Twitch, 24/7, 2018-ongoing
- Fish chorus (platax orbicularis?), recorded by Curtin University, Perth, 2016
- Jana Winderen, "The Wanderer", 2016
Food and beverages:
yokan (with agar agar), chlorella, sea spaghetti (himanthalia elongata), "C'est tous les jours dimanche" - Les vins jardinés by Yoann Gillot
Sources: articles, books and videos
- Miguel Abreu Gallery, The Poet-Engineers, 2021
- Nicolas Bourriaud, Relational Aesthetics, 2002
- Federico Campagna, Technic and Magic: The Reconstruction of Reality, 2018
- Francis S. Collins, "Mutation", Glossary, National Human Genome Research Institute, nd
- Manuel De Landa, Deleuze and the New Materialism, European Graduate School Video Lectures, 2009
- Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schyzophrenia, 1972
- Greta Keenan, "Fish recorded singing dawn chorus on reefs just like birds", New Scientist, 2016
- Haruki Murakami, 1Q84, 2012
- Michel Serres & Hans Ulrich Obrist, "Michel Serres", 032c, 2014
Abstract of episode 0:
For the pilot show of SENSATION, we, as our curatorial duo CRO, explore ultra contemporary art in relation to our senses, to scientific and philosophical findings, from technology to the living.
Date: November, 2021
Artists mentioned:
Korakrit Arunanondchai, Patricia Domínguez, Katja Novitskova, Sean Raspet, Pamela Rosenkranz, Timur Si-Qin, Maja Smrekar
Key words:
mutating world, post-internet, ooo, techno-vernacular, organic matter, bio-art, sensorial experience, olfactory works, edible works, molecular realism…
Musics :
- Seraphim, "Do you see the Naga" - Songs I’m Trying to Remember - Korakrit Arunanondchai, 2021
- Toshiya Sukegawa, "牡羊座" - Bioçic Music – Astrology (バイオシック・ミュージック「星座」), 1993
Sources: exhibition & book
- "Co-workers. Le réseau comme artiste", Musée d’art moderne de Paris, octobre 2015 - janvier 2016, Paris, France
- Katja Novitskova, "Post internet survival guide 2010", Revolver Publishing, 2010